March movie preview- 'captain marvel'

March Movie Preview: Marvel-ous March

Another fun month for movies is on the horizon. There is a Tyler Perry comedy, a Jordan Peele horror, and a Tim Burton Disney movie. But the main event among March movies is the long-awaited arrival of Captain Marvel. We’ll have to hold off until April to see if she is the savior of the…

'ready player one'

March Movie Preview: March to the Much Anticipated

February had the breakout hit of the year so far with Black Panther. The March movie releases will attempt to follow that up with a strong month, but it will be tough to match that level of success. There are a few highly anticipated films that are worth a look. We’re still a few months…

March movie preview: logan

March Movie Preview: “Clawing” Our Way to a Big Movie Month

It’s a good month to be a geeky movie fan. The March movie list begins with the coolest of all the X-Men then rolls through King Kong’s origin story before we see a separate beast learning how to love. Then we meet a new team of Power Rangers before ending the month with a manga…

March movie preview: batman v superman v cloverfield v disney

March Movie Preview: Batman v Superman v Cloverfield v Disney

I had said February was a pretty decent month at the movies, but nobody saw Deadpool breaking through as such a massive hit. I don’t know if there are any March movies that will be as surprising, but there are some probable hits on this list. There’s the third film in a YA dystopian series,…

March movie preview: march your way to the theater

March Movie Preview: March Your Way to the Theater

Another month has come and gone. February had its fair share of good and bad movies, but March movies look quite promising. Even if they didn’t, here in the northeastern United States our main hobby at the moment is shoveling snow. So I’ll take seeing a mediocre movie over that option any day of the…