Welcome to geeks anonymous

Geeks Anonymous: Facebook Home, Google’s Unsuccessful Charm

Please invite the new Facebook Home, Facebook’s desperate plea to stay relevant and cater to the number of addicted cell phone users and social media addicts. But my bluntness should come as no surprise because Geeks Anonymous is overly judgmental with a broken filter. The New Facebook Home Facebook Home is described as the mobile…

Welcome to geeks anonymous

Geeks Anonymous: BlackBerry 10 Update, OUYA Set to Release

Cue the coffee machines and pull the plastic from over the baked goods because we finally have quite the crowd here at Geeks Anonymous. Sounds a bit twisted, but I am happy to see all the new faces share my addiction. It so happens we are never short of a supply because the tech news…

Welcome to geeks anonymous

Geeks Anonymous: Adobe CTO to Apple, Facebook Hashtag

Welcome back to Geeks Anonymous, we loved last week’s reception and support so lets try to top that this week! This tech week wasn’t too hectic outside of a couple big moves by a few companies. Lets start with the Adobe situation. Apple looks to re-assemble the pieces and by doing so they take Adobe…

Welcome to geeks anonymous

Geeks Anonymous – Recap of the Week, Join the Conversation

Welcome back to Geeks Anonymous, the cynical recap of the tech world of recent. First I must apologize for my absence, I relapsed, yes I relapsed. I took on the task of trying to upgrade all of my custom classes on my Xbox Live account; I learned my lesson so save the pep talk. But…