The crystal gems: strong women in geek culture

Top 15 Strongest Women in Geek Culture

There are some women who stand out as the most powerful characters in nerd culture. Today, I want to talk about who I feel are the top 15 strongest women in geek culture. 12 through 15: The Sailor Scouts, Sailor Moon The Sailor Scouts definitely need to be included in our countdown. The Sailor Scouts…

‘frozen’ director, jennifer lee, to adapt ‘a wrinkle in time’

‘Frozen’ Director, Jennifer Lee, to Adapt ‘A Wrinkle in Time’

Jennifer Lee, co-writer and director of Frozen, now has her sights set on a new project. She is currently planning to adapt Madeleine L’Engle’s popular children’s book A Wrinkle in Time. While Oscar-winning Frozen may be a high bar to top, Jennifer Lee clearly has her sights set high with A Wrinkle in Time. This…

Overrated: our toxic relationship with mainstream movies

Overrated: Our Toxic Relationship with Mainstream Movies

I recently stumbled across an Internet argument that has become fairly common nowadays.  It was a discussion on whether Frozen was overrated.  Now, ignoring the fact that this is an argument taking place half a year after the film already made hundreds of millions of dollars and won two Oscars, it represents a deeper issue…

Literary references you missed in pop culture

Literary References you Missed in Pop Culture

Anyone who is planning on going into the game industry must not underestimate the mythic structure, or the value of literature. The dated works that you study in English classes are being read decades or perhaps centuries later because they capture the ideas of our culture, and they demonstrate the invaluable principles of storytelling. Here…

Actual animators talk “frozen” design controversy

Actual Animators Talk “Frozen” Design Controversy

Frozen is Disney’s 53rd animated feature-length film and, despite a warm response from the critics, social media and animation fans alike have been giving it the cold shoulder for months, even before its release at the end of last month. When the designs for its two main characters, Princesses Anna and Elsa, were released last…