‘internet of things’ devices: powered by wi-fi

‘Internet of Things’ Devices: Powered by Wi-Fi

We all know that Wi-Fi is pretty ubiquitous. You use it at home, in coffee shops, certain fast food joints, hotels, the list goes on and on. Now imagine a device that foregoes having a battery, and is instead powered by Wi-Fi. Sounds pretty fantastic, right? Well the technology is still in its infancy, but…

Universal control: run your electronics from anywhere with my n3rd

Universal Control: Run Your Electronics from Anywhere with My N3RD

I saw the Adam Sandler movie ‘Click’ once. I can’t really remember why, and in hindsight it was not a justifiable move. Even so, I’d like to have a magical remote control, especially since I’d use it for much more interesting things than getting into weakly amusing escapades and causing arguments with Kate Beckinsale. Handily,…

Tips for boosting a weak wi-fi

Tips For Boosting A Weak Wi-Fi

Having a weak connection to your wireless network is often a big pain. After all, you didn’t buy a wireless router just so you’d be forced to plug directly into it anyway. Luckily, there are a number of easy solutions to the issue of a poor Wi-Fi connection in the home. Here are some tips…

3x faster wi-fi is coming, 802. 11ac

3x Faster Wi-Fi is Coming, 802.11ac

2013 will mark the mass commercial deployment of 802.11ac – the new IEEE wireless protocol that promises speeds at least 3 times faster than conventional Wi-Fi. 802.11ac: New IEEE Standard 802.11ac is the new IEEE standard for wireless networking. You could consider it a qualitative increment over 802.11n, which is the standard most of us…