Geek insider, geekinsider, geekinsider. Com,, a retro toy that adults and kids are going to love, entertainment

A Retro Toy that Adults AND Kids are Going to LOVE

A lot of “vintage” toys have seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years. From Furbies and Tamagotchis to Lincoln Logs, Lite Brites, and Easy Bake Ovens, oldies but goodies are making kids happy and nostalgic adults smile. However, the vast majority of these vintage toy remakes are basically the exact same toy without any real sort of change to them.

While it’s great to find that some things stay the same, seeing a completely new take on something from childhood that doesn’t seem like a train wreck (see ‘The Dukes of Hazzard” movie) or completely without forethought, is always a welcome sight.

We get a lot of product review offers and while a lot of them are pretty cool, we’re rather picky on the ones we say yes to simply for the fact that it takes time to test the product and then write up a review. The really tough part comes when it’s a product I end up not liking or have a problem with.

None of that was an issue with the RetroViewer from Image3D.

Geek insider, geekinsider, geekinsider. Com,, a retro toy that adults and kids are going to love, entertainment

That’s right, the good ‘ole View Finder from your youth is not only almost as popular as ever, Image3D has put a twist on it that people of all ages can enjoy. While Image3D’s viewer looks retro and will certainly tickle some nostalgia, it’s the reels that are the real gem.

No more being stuck with virtual trips to cities, zoos, and safaris, for just $10 – $15 more than a traditional View Finder, Image3D gives you the viewer AND your very own, personalize reel.


Yup! You get to build your own reel right on the website by just uploading the 7 images you want for each slide as well as 1 for the center of the disc and I have to tell you, the whole process couldn’t have been easier. In fact, the hardest thing about this whole process was weeding through all my favorite photos and picking out just 8.

Geek insider, geekinsider, geekinsider. Com,, a retro toy that adults and kids are going to love, entertainment

The reel itself isn’t the old paper-thin cardboard that the vintage reels were made from and while I’m not sure what the actual material is, I know it looks cool as heck and feels a lot more durable than the old ones.

Image3D could have stopped there with the Retro Viewer and still had a really cool product but as the company name implies, there’s some 3D aspects to this that are just too darn snazzy.

I don’t know how they do it, but they take your old photos, even PHOTOS of photos, and presto-changeo, the images are beautiful and if you use the feature to add words to the image, there’s a really cool 3D effect. You can also choose where to place the text and and what color font you want.

We used pics of our wedding and our fur babies and on most of them, I included some sort of text whether it was a date or a name and we couldn’t be happier with the result.

We definitely want more reels now (thinking various “themes) and I could see this product being a GREAT gift. Grandma is sure to love one with pics of her youth, family, and friends while Uncle Dave would prize a set with all the big fish he has caught over the years.

The options reach rather far and wide with this one.

Pics from your favorite concert could make you feel like you’re there all over again.

A reel with lost family members may be a great tribute for the patriarch of the family.

Give the kids a customized one as a stocking stuffer.

Surprise a loved one with images of your first date, wedding, anniversaries. (We REALLY liked the wedding photos we included)

Long story short, this is a great gift for people of all ages and as the reels are completely customizable, it’s perfect for virtually everyone. At least everyone that likes pictures.

If you want to get your hands on one, we got you covered. Head over to Image3D, upload your images and arrange your reel, and use Coupon Code GI22 on checkout for $6.25 off of any desired shipping method.

We’ll definitely be ordering more reels around here but since I had such a hard time choosing last time, I better start sifting through images now.

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