Indie originals and the underpresence at geek out virtual con 2020

Meet Indie Originals and The Underpresence | Geek Out Virtual Con 2020

GEEK OUT VIRTUAL CON 2020 | April 11 – 12 – – – – – Well, we’re hearing it straight from Indie Originals’ Jake Estrada, Chuck Fresh, and Steve Kurtzke from The Underpresence. Our special guests joined us for an hour of fun, telling tales of paranormal activity during their investigations, digging up old OUIJA…

Geek Insider: Interview with Eric Smith-Gunn, Pam Meisl Smith and Andrea St. Martine of HIJAB on Amazon Prime

Eric Smith-Gunn is the founder of Enfuego Entertainment and writer, director and executive producer of HIJAB, the award-winning, limited series on Amazon Prime. Our Geek Speak hosts, Matthew Harris and Meredith Loughran has the pleasure of sitting with Eric, Pam Meisl-Smith, the co-executive producer and set designer, as well as lead actress and model, Andrea…

Geek insider podcast, geek insider, detria baker, the afro cosplay, meredith loughran, merej99, lady geek

Geek Insider: Interview with Detria Baker – The Afro Cosplay

There are people who strive to make a difference in the world any way they can. That is Detria Baker. In the comic book world where black heroes and villains are still emerging, she and her husband, Terance are expanding the universe with their talent and outreach through Independent Creators Connection. While some people have…

Hotkey: the official podcast of geek insider #5 – 09. 11. 13

HotKey: The Official Podcast of Geek Insider #5 – 09.11.13

This week, our host Frederick Johnson II and his comrades in Geekdom discuss FFXIV and  its server issues, Whore of the Orient, and Xbone information. They also discuss the relationship between game developers and players, as well as an evil tower that melts cars that park too close. Host: Frederick Johnson II Producer: Geek Insider…

Hotkey: the official podcast of geek insider #4 – 09. 04. 13

HotKey: The Official Podcast of Geek Insider #4 – 09.04.13

This week, our host Frederick Johnson II and his comrades in Geekdom discuss all things Batfleck and Gamescom, with a little Nintendo and PS4 thrown in for good measure. Tune in and hear all the geeky goodness that is going on at HotKey this week! Host: Frederick Johnson II Producer: Geek Insider Hear The Podcast…

Hotkey: the official podcast of geek insider #3 – 8. 28. 13

HotKey: The Official Podcast of Geek Insider #3 – 8.28.13

This week, our host Frederick Johnson II and his comrades in Geekdom discuss everything from the pay models of Wildstar and ESO, to Diablo’s new expansion. They also discuss Facebook and Gaming security, as well as the new Xbox One controller. Host: Frederick Johnson II Producer: Geek Insider   Hear The Podcast   04.22 –…

Hotkey: the official podcast of geek insider #2 – 8. 21. 13 featuring popcap games

HotKey: The Official Podcast of Geek Insider #2 – 8.21.13 Featuring PopCap Games

This week, our host Frederick Johnson II conducts an in-depth, exclusive interview with PopCap Game’s Lead Designer, Mohan Rajagopalan.  right here on HotKey: The Official Podcast of Geek Insider. Frederick and the Comrades in Geekdom also cover the week’s geekiness, including: EverQuest:Next, Elder Scrolls, Nintendo Lawsuits and much, much more! Host: Frederick Johnson II Producer:…

Hotkey: the official podcast of geek insider #1 – 08. 14. 13

HotKey: The Official Podcast of Geek Insider #1 – 08.14.13

In our first official podcast, our host Frederick Johnson II chats with his comrades in geekdom, Mr. Jay and Fleeke, about the latest in gaming and technology. Find out what’s coming up in the world of MMORPGs, why Nintendo is old, and what the hell “Love Machine” is, right here on HotKey: The Official Podcast…