Transformers: age of extinction breaks $100m amid slow summer season

Transformers: Age of Extinction Breaks $100M Amid Slow Summer Season

The summer of 2014 has been a barren monetary landscape until now. No film, despite critical and audience appraisal, has been able to cross the $100 million opening that truly defines a summer blockbuster. The closest contender was Marvel’s Captain America: The Winter Soldier back in mid-April and that wasn’t even a summer release. Then…

Crossbones returns! Is marvel ready to go rated r?

Crossbones Returns! Is Marvel Ready To Go Rated R?

He may not have been a central villain in The Winter Soldier, but that doesn’t mean his time is done. Frank Grillo, known in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Brock Rumlow a.k.a. Crossbones, has stated in a recent interview that he’s signed a six movie deal with Marvel. So while you can beat him or…

Four surefire ways to end our favorite movie franchises

Four Surefire Ways To End Our Favorite Movie Franchises

It will come one day, the rapture of all our favorite franchises. All what would be left in the wake of their disappearance are the same repetitive action films designed for the sole purpose of popcorn and passing time. That era, also known as the nineties, is in the near future if Hollywood can resist…

Fan-cast-ic! Marvel’s next ‘punisher’

FAN-CAST-IC! Marvel’s Next ‘Punisher’

Let’s face it, the superhero movie multiverse is expanding.  Each new success opens up more possibilities for studios to extract our favorite heroes for the silver screen.  And each year we are force fed an array of new characters portrayed by new or old faces in Hollywood that don’t live up to fan and critic…