How To Create A Study Group

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When you are a student the result of your studies depends only on you. However, when you have a study group achieving a good result in an exam or test gets easier. So, let’s see how you can form an excellent study group to achieve all your study goals. 

Find People Who Want To Achieve Something

At university, you can have a general study group, or several different groups depending on the exams you have to prepare for. Regardless, the thing you need to watch out for is choosing the right people to make up your group.

You must be willing to put aside those who are your close friends a little if they are not the ideal people to study with. With them, you can do anything else, and have fun. But if they are complaining and not very enterprising, you risk getting carried away and not reaching your goal, that is to give exams! For your study group, you have to join people who really want to do something and who are also able to push you when you are unmotivated and enticed. By the way, if you sometimes feel unmotivated to write essays, a professional essay writer could help you out with the task. 

In the meantime, to find students like this, the first thing to do is to attend classes and sit in the front row, because that is where those people interested in following, studying, and obtaining results are put.

You will then choose a place together in which to gather to study attentively and concentrated. It could be a study room, or a library if you are not in the review phase and therefore you do not need to talk to each other aloud. Otherwise, you can get together at someone’s home but be careful not to get lost in distractions.

Also, Add A “Nerd” For Each Subject

Of course, I use the term “nerd” with affection for all those students who are really passionate about the subject to study. If within your group you manage to involve such a person, particularly interested in the topic and knowledgeable about it, you inevitably have an edge.

Because that person can become the point of reference for your group, the one to ask for clarifications and explanations where you have not understood, and the one able to simplify the complex parts. Furthermore, the passionate student may be able to convey some passion and interest to your other members as well!

Study In A Group But Alone

That’s what I was telling you earlier. Of course, you have to carry out the study phase within the group alone, the responsibility is yours alone.

Each of you will study the subject following your own study cycle, so it will also be important not to interrupt each other in order not to break the rhythm. Having said that, the simple fact of finding yourself in the midst of people studying concentrated must serve to motivate you to stay serious and focused. Instead, if you feel like you’re getting distracted, apply the 5-second technique to get back on track right away. 

Ask Questions

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As I told you a little while ago, if you have any doubts, avoid interrupting others while they are studying, precisely because everyone is carrying out their own study cycle.

But in moments of pause ask all the appropriate questions. Because sometimes just 30 seconds or a minute of response is enough to clarify that particular difficult passage, thanks to which you can then hang up on the topic and memorize all the other information more easily.

If you don’t remember how to do the study cycles, you can find them in this article in which I will explain how to organize your study day.

Review All Together

Reviewing questions all together is super useful! It allows you to put yourself to the test, and test everyone’s preparation, giving everyone the opportunity to practice the answers and fill in the gaps by listening to those who explain.

The review moment is fundamental especially before the exam because you can use this moment to do a sort of simulation, ask each other questions, and practice in the exposition and in the way of asking yourselves, especially if the test you will have to face is oral.

Working in this way allows you on the one hand to develop an overview of everything that is the exam program in its entirety, but also the so-called vertical preparation on the most difficult and particular questions.

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