What’s Next: Video Conferencing Industry Predictions
The video conferencing industry has been growing at an exponential rate with businesses of all sizes reaping the benefits of using these products and services. However, with all this growth, the question everyone wants to know the answer to is what’s coming next down the pipeline? A quick look around the industry shows no signs of stopping. In fact, many predict that the industry will continue to grow as even more businesses find this technology highly useful and invaluable to everything they’re looking to accomplish. Here are a few things you can look for in the near future.
More Schools Using Video Conferencing
High quality education has always been a location specific scenario. This may be changing with the advancement of the video conferencing technology. Services, like Blue Jeans Online Video Conferencing, make it easy for students to learn from home by offering the technology needed to make students feel as if they’re sitting in the classroom rather than sitting at home. Business2Community shows this is a way in which schools can increase the learning potential for students by decreasing the glut in the classrooms. Students can still get one on one time with the teachers through the same technology that allows them to be in the class in the first place. Classroom materials are handed out virtually by sharing files and homework can be turned in either in class or through email. The opportunities for growth have many in the education field excited. It means that better teachers can make their teaching methods available to even more students. Private schools and colleges love the idea, because it means they can expand their student population and bring in even more tuition payments. It seems like a no brainer with a technology that does not carry a huge price tag along with it.
Shrinking Offices
The recession was responsible for many businesses downsizing and making do with fewer employees taking on more work. They also moved into smaller offices to save on the rent. Now that the economy is returning to pre-recession standards, employees are being hired back, but employers are loath to give up the low rent office spaces, according to ZD Net. In fact, some of the bigger companies are even looking at ways they can give up some of the space they’re currently using. It’s completely possible for companies to shrink like this since technology, like Blue Jeans Online Video Conferencing, makes it easy to work from home, attend meetings and even meet with clients. This is a welcome change for many in the workforce. They get their wish of being home more often. They don’t have to worry about commuting in the morning traffic anymore and the office doesn’t have to worry about the expense that comes along with a bigger office filled with people. It is suggested that any of the businesses out there looking to utilize this change make sure to keep a few open offices available for those who work from home to use whenever necessary.
Work Forces Will Remain Smaller
The ability to keep top tier employees in the office rather than having them travel all around the world taking meetings with clients means that job forces can remain smaller. It’s not necessary to have lower end employees taking up the slack left when employees are flying everywhere. Instead, the top tier employees can concentrate in on the work they would normally miss. The quality of the work will be better, because the people most familiar with the concepts can complete the assignments. According to Computer Weekly, the use of HD displays is already making it possible for everyone to feel as if they’re in the same room, so there’s no reason to have anyone travel. This technology is sure to only get better as the years pass, making it even less necessary to pay for travel and lose valuable work.
Decreasing Costs of Video Conferencing
What’s really exciting for many is that as the technology continues to advance the quality of video conferencing, the prices will continue to become more affordable, according to Science Logic. With more companies and more competition coming online all the time, it’s necessary to offer hardware and services at the lowest price or face the possibility they will lose clientele. After all, the technology already exists where the user doesn’t need any special equipment at all. Smartphones have forward facing cameras and great microphones. You can be in the middle of a golf game and jump on a video conference call as needed. Improving the apps being used on the mobile devices as well as improving the connection quality for these kinds of calls does not cost a lot of money, so the service providers are making sure to pass along the savings to the customers in hopes of growing themselves.