Toothbrush beauty hacks

9 Toothbrush Beauty Hacks You Need to Know About

Is there an extra toothbrush lying around your house that your dentist may have given you during your last visit? If so, here are 9 ways you can include that toothbrush in your beauty routine. Tame Annoying Frizzies Having flyaways, baby hairs, or all of the above can be hard to maintain. Big brushes and…

Nostalgia goggles: the top 10 most recognizable goggles in fandom

Nostalgia Goggles: The Top 10 Most Recognizable Goggles In Fandom

What is it about goggles that makes them so aesthetically pleasing?  They’re everywhere from cartoons to video games, to live-action movies.  They’re a staple of the Steampunk movement.  So, what’s the draw?  Is it that they cover up the forehead?  Is it that you can pull them down when things get serious?  Goggles today are…

‘klingg’ magnetic earbud holder – review

‘Klingg’ Magnetic Earbud Holder – Review

Every now and then, I stumble upon a simple gadget and wonder why someone didn’t come up with it sooner. This week, I had the chance to review a ‘Klingg’; an ingenious device advertised as a “wearable magnetic earphone cord holder”. Features In an effort to test out all of the advertised features of the…

Transparent Smartphone is Possible in the Future

Transparent smartphone “may be possible by the end of 2013”. The Taiwanese group Polytron has found another way to pique curiosity and get the attention of their target market, by introducing their most recent innovative product yet – the prototype of a transparent smartphone. Naturally, this prototype gives way to various questions such as “Will this…


Desk Pets’ Tankbot Displays Smartphone Controlled Remote Control Toy

Radio-controlled machines have been consistent in the early years of recent generations, and that trend continues with one of the better products to date: Desk Pets’ Tankbot. Tankbot revolutionizes the remote control toy and is sure to catch your attention as it’s done mine! We at Geek have had the pleasure of experiencing one of…