More movie sequels to geek out over: the sequel

More Movie Sequels to Geek Out Over: The Sequel

It’s the summer of geekquels, which seems to be the case every summer. There’s Age of Ultron for comic book fans in May, Ted 2 coming up in June for the Seth MacFarlane loversĀ out there, and Magic Mike XXL for the appreciatorsĀ of exotic dance. Here are a few more sequels for you to geek out…

The solo g3: the bomb shelter of hard drives

The Solo G3: The Bomb Shelter of Hard Drives

As we dive deeper into the digital age, more things that we consider to be crucial, or even sentimental, to our lives are stored somewhere electronically: photos, music, art, personal information, documents and contact information. Depending how much of this you have on one device, your life can turn into turmoil if that device crashes…