Comic book superheroines, wearing pants

Comic Book Superheroines, Wearing Pants

Michael Lee Lunsford is an artist who’s reimagined costumes for beloved superheroines like Wonder Woman and SuperGirl. He’s put our favorite super-powered ladies in pants and full coverage versions of their classic battle leotards. Check out the images on his Tumblr here! The new outfits are remarkably true to the look and feel of the…

The worst comic book movies – part ii

The Worst Comic Book Movies – Part II

Wait, there’s even more awful comic book movies? Even though our original Worst Comic Book Movies article tried to cover the breadth and depth of the film industry’s greatest comic book movie mishaps, it was pretty clear that one article just wasn’t enough. So, for all the awful comic book movie fans out there, we’ve…

The many faces of spider-man

The Many Faces of Spider-Man

So many Spider-Men, so little time… Spider-Man is without a doubt one of the most instantly recognizable comic book characters of all time. However, in the 50 years since his debut in 1962, Spider-Man’s appearance and origin has been reinvented, and re-imagined over and over again. In many instances, Spider-Man hasn’t even been Peter Parker…