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Should You Limit Your Caffeine Intake?

Caffeine has its benefits. Millions of people worldwide use caffeine to help them stay alert and productive.

But like every other thing, too much of it can cause problems. But how much is too much? What do you do when you’re overdosing on caffeine?

Let’s find out.

How Much Is Too Much Caffeine?

The threshold for most adults is 400 milligrams (mg) of caffeine a day. That translates to two energy shots, ten cans of cola, or four cups of brewed coffee.

However, the exact amount of caffeine in each drink varies based on the ingredients and how sensitive the person is to caffeine.

People who take caffeine in its powder or liquid form have to exercise a great deal of caution. One teaspoon of powdered caffeine is equivalent to drinking roughly 28 cups of coffee!

If you experience any of the symptoms listed below, it might be time to cut back on your caffeine intake.

Some of the sources of caffeine you can cut back on are:

  • Energy drinks
  • Caffeinated coffee
  • Soda
  • Supplements

Note that caffeine may also be present in the medication you take. Consult a doctor before you make any dietary changes.

Furthermore, those who use coffee for its antioxidant properties can explore other antioxidant-rich foods like dark chocolate.

You Drink More Than Than 4 Cups Of Caffeinated Coffee A Day

We all know that coffee helps you stay focused, lose weight and boost your physical performance. However, if you are taking in more than 4 cups of caffeinated coffee per day, you are doing more harm than good to your body.

Some of the side effects of drinking too much-caffeinated coffee are 

  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Headaches
  • Fast heart rate
  • Frequent urination

There is also a clear link between caffeine intake and hand tremors. In some cases, going a little over your body limit can make you jittery.

Although we put the maximum at four cups, some people are sensitive to caffeine. Suppose you notice any of these symptoms after taking in a caffeinated drink. In that case, it is time to review your caffeine consumption.

You Struggle To Sleep At Night 

Caffeine acts directly on your central nervous system. It makes you alert and focused. On the other hand, caffeine can force you to stay awake when it’s time to sleep. People who take a lot of caffeine report that they find it hard to sleep at night time or enjoy the benefits of afternoon naps.

Even in small amounts, sleep deprivation can cause a lot of long-term health issues. such as 

  • Obesity, 
  • Heart disease, 
  • High blood pressure (hypertension) and 
  • Diabetes.

If you take caffeine to help you stay focused at work, consider taking only small amounts. You should also stop taking caffeinated drinks when it is past noon.

For people who struggle to sleep, cutting off caffeine totally might be the only solution.

You’re Taking Medications Or Supplements That Don’t Mix Well With Caffeine

Some certain medications and supplements don’t mix well with caffeine. Some of them are:

  • Ephedrine: Ephedrine is commonly used in decongestants. Taking caffeine with this medication can increase your risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, seizure, or stroke.
  • Theophylline. Theophylline helps open up bronchial airways, but it also has caffeine-like side effects. Mixing this medication with caffeine can increase your risk of side effects such as heart palpitations and nausea.
  • Echinacea. Echinacea is a herbal supplement used to ward off infections such as the common cold. However, taking caffeine and Echinacea together can increase the severity of caffeine’s unpleasant side effects.

You should discuss with your doctor or pharmacist if you regularly take caffeine before beginning any medication or health supplement.

Cutting Back On Your Caffeine Consumption

Curbing your caffeine consumption can be challenging, especially if it has become a daily routine. Many people experience withdrawal systems such as muscle tremors, fatigue, headaches, difficulty concentrating, and irritability.

The good news is that these systems often go away over a few days. The real challenge is to fight the addiction until the withdrawal symptoms wear off.

The Bottom Line

For most adults, daily intake of caffeine has become a daily routine. As long as you keep your consumption at moderate levels, you don’t have anything to worry about. 

However, keep an eye out for side effects and cut back on caffeine consumption when it becomes necessary.

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