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Creative Ideas for The Nerdy Bedroom of Your Dreams

If a person’s home is considered their castle, then each person’s bedroom is their throne room. This unique, personalized sanctuary expresses the personality of the individual who sleeps there. Nerds enjoy the best bedrooms since they often combine elements of sleeping areas, home entertainment systems, and libraries. Read on to learn some tips and tricks for creating the best room ever!

Choose Your Theme

Consider a nerd’s bedroom a microcosm of their home built around a central theme. You, too, can enjoy the ideal nerdy bedroom by choosing your theme and decorating around it. Whatever your favorite subject, this can become a room theme. For example, if you adore Star Trek or Star Wars, those could be great options for potential themes. Do you adore books? Create a bedroom library. Have you set a goal to become an oceanographer? Use an ocean or beach theme. A future architect might go with a modern, structural decor.

Pick Your Paint Color

Choose a wall paint color that matches the theme. Painting the interior of a home provides a more than 100% return on investment when you sell your home, according to Forbes. Also, pick a lighter color for the room’s trim and a shade or two lighter than that for the ceiling. Paint the room before moving on to other steps.

Consider Thematic Mural Options

Consider adding an accent wall with a mural to further personalize the room and further the theme. You don’t have to exhibit artistic talent to do this. Purchase a wallpaper mural or hire a professional painting crew.

Sherwin-Williams surveyed its customers who hired pro painters and 50% of those surveyed said they did it because they couldn’t reach the areas they wanted painted. Homeowners hire paint crews for a variety of reasons and a custom mural makes for a great reason.

Purchase Furnishings That Match the Theme

Your bedroom furniture should match your theme. Decorating a nerdy kid’s room proves easy since theme furniture abounds for a race car, space, Barbie, dollhouse, and other children’s themes. Disney movies offer ample marketing, including beds and bookcases themed to specific films.

Nerdy themes like dark academia or light academia offer more decor options since they lend themselves to timeless furniture. This aesthetic works well in bedrooms and libraries, typically containing a reading corner and a writing desk. Sherlock Holmes’ study and Ben Franklin’s office offer a fictional and a historical example, respectively, of the academia themes.

Provide yourself with ample bookshelf space because nerds love books. These shelves also come in handy for displaying auto, plane, or train models, or other theme-related collectibles. In a small space, don’t despair; choose a loft bed that provides a study desk and shelves or space for entertaining beneath the elevated bed. This space-saving design increases the utility of your bedroom while using the space of a single piece of furniture.

Hang Artwork That Continues the Nerdy Theme

According to This Old House, the first artwork to grace a home dates back 32,000 years, when human’s earliest ancestors painted their cave walls with depictions of hunting, war, birth, and death. You can choose more uplifting and thematic topics, such as angels or hot air ballooning. For an aviation theme, consider artwork depicting the development of flight from the Wright brothers’ Kitty Hawk days to the present. Also, include window treatments and throw pillows that match the paint colors.

Whatever topic you “geek out” on, you can build a bedroom theme around it. Start by choosing paint colors and creating murals. Build on that theme with furniture chosen specifically for the room. Finish with related artwork, window treatments, and throw pillows.

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