Galaxy S4 Sees Nearly 450% More Pre-Orders Than Galaxy S3

The Samsung Galaxy S4 is one of the most highly anticipated phones of all time, and it has been finally announced. With the recent deports it seems like the Galaxy S4 has already started selling like hotcakes.

Galaxy S4 is the latest flagship phone for Samsung and it comes packed with some jaw dropping specs and cool features. It sports a 4.99″ full HD display and a 13-megapixel camera along with other great features.

According to UK’s mobile distributor Carphone Warehouse, the new Galaxy S4 is pre-selling four times more than the rate of the Galaxy S3, which also had record breaking pre-sales. The Galaxy S3 was the best launch ever for Carphone Warehouse, but now just within a few days of its announcement, Galaxy S4 has broken all the previous records set by its predecessor; taking nearly 450% more pre-orders than the Galaxy S3.

This is what Carphone Warehouse’s CEO Graham Stapleton had to say about the Galaxy S4’s pre-orders.

The record breaking launch of the Galaxy SIII last year was always going to be a tough one to beat. But Samsung have pulled out all the stops with a dazzling new device that’s sure to inspire many people to make the switch to Android from other operating systems.

The Galaxy S4 will hit the shelves on 26th April, but no official pricing has been released so far. With the amount of pre-orders the Galaxy S4 has already received, we have no doubt that it will become the top-selling smartphone. Apple’s iPhone 5 was the top-selling phone in the last quarter of 2012 and the Galaxy S4 has to definitely beat those numbers to keep the Galaxy S3’s legacy alive.

We’re anticipating a massive amount of customer interest in this handset and are expecting our stores to be busier than at the height of the Christmas period. We are planning to extend opening hours at our larger sites to cope with the increased demand.- adds Stapleton.

As the latest addition to one of the best smartphone series, the Galaxy S4 has some real big expectations to live up to. It has to convince consumers that it’s worth each penny, and a worthy upgrade to their current smartphone. We’re pretty sure that the Galaxy S4 will be the top-selling smartphone for the year and it will break all the records set by its predecessor and its competitors.

How do you feel about the Galaxy S4’s success? Do you think it has what it takes to be the best smartphone? Let us know in the comments below.

[via PocketLint]


  1. WHY.
    WHY are people buying octa-cores in plastic bodies ? 🙁

    Not a samsung fan 😛

  2. @Shashank Bhardwaj seriously? It’s not your average plastic. The software features alone should be enough to compel someone into buying the device.

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