Trailer ‘Happy Hunting’ Released For Turtle Rock Studios and 2K Game – Evolve

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Evolve, a brand-new game from the creators of Left 4 Dead Turtle Rock Studios, and 2K Games, is the epitome of ‘big game hunting’ meets alien planet adventure. As part of a group of ‘planet-tamers’, who are ultimately responsible for keeping settlers on this wild new planet safe, you and three friends will embark on one of the most unique cooperative multi-player experiences in gaming history. As your four-person team takes on the giant alien-monsters, you’ll get to experience the feel of traditional first-person shooter game play, with all the fun and of group-play. Check out the latest game trailer, titled ‘Happy Hunting’, that chronicles the exciting 4-player big game hunting at it’s finest.

Evolve: Bringing Cooperative Multi-Player To New Heights

Evolve, as evident in the visually stunning trailer, is a cooperative and competitive multi-player game that touts a gaming experience like no other. The team of four hunters face off against a single, player-controlled monster, where the stakes are high and the excitement is higher.  The best part about Evolve is that players experience Evolve as a first-person shooter when playing cooperatively as the four hunters, while they control the monster in the third-person perspective. Each member of the hunting team has a specific role to fulfill. These roles include: trapper, assault, support, and medic. While each role is important to the success of the mission, it quickly becomes clear that the emphasis of the game lies on teamwork and group play.

Evolve is available for pre-order for Xbox One, PS4, and PC with release coming this fall.  Gamers who pre-order the game will be rewarded with a Monster Expansion Pack. It includes the Savage Goliath skin at launch and a new monster character as soon as it becomes available after the game is released.

We can not wait to get our hands on this amazing new take on the multi-player experience. We will be pre-ordering, and you should, too!

Published by: 2K Games
Developed by: Turtle Rock Studios
Genre: First-Person Shooter
Release Date:
United States: TBA
Australia: TBA
RP for Rating Pending
Also Available On: Xbox One, PC