Emma Watson Addresses Gender Equality During UN Speech

The 26-year-old British actress and influential women’s rights activist, Emma Watson, delivered an important speech at the UN General Assembly in support of her HeForShe campaign. As a UN Goodwill Ambassador, Watson has become nothing short of a powerful figure in advocating for gender equality by insisting that although we’ve come far in reducing many…

'the sims 4' update includes gender customization

‘The Sims 4’ Update Breaks Barriers with Gender Customization

The Sims changes up the game (literally) with a new update that gives players better gender customization options for the popular simulation game. You all know that amazing game we’ve stayed up all night playing. You may have played it on your computer, on your phone, and on your game console. It’s a mystery why…

Google and facebook bring gender equality to emojis

Google and Facebook Bring Gender Equality to Emojis

Google has teamed up with Unicode, a standard nonprofit computing industry that supervises the creation of encoding, text, and new emojis, with the powerful purpose to reduce gender inequality. “Google wants to increase the representation of women in emoji” says Unicode, “and would like to propose that Unicode implementers do the same. Our proposal is to…

Kill la kill and the male gaze: fanservice vs. Feminism

Kill la Kill and the Male Gaze: Fanservice vs. Feminism

Anime has long been criticized as being a tad misogynistic.  Most of it is aimed at the male otaku demographic and as such is full of scantily clad women flashing their underwear for a voyeuristic audience’s benefit.  Sexual humor is common even in anime meant for children with Brock in Pokémon and Master Roshi in…