Latest Articles for geek insider

The geekly ramble: geek insider’s weekly roundup of the weird, the awesome, and the just plain “??? ”

The Geekly Ramble: Geek Insider’s Weekly Roundup of the Weird, the Awesome, and the Just Plain “???”

Alright well, here we are. Welcome to the inaugural edition of the Geekly Ramble, Geek Insider’s Weekly Recap of all things…well, geekish, that happened in the last seven days. The following will range from the highs of “Holy Freaking Yes!” to the more sombre notes or “argh” “blegh” and even the coveted “like, why?”. Strap…

Geek girl pen pals

Geek Girl Pen Pals

International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club is a new organization dedicated to the awesome intersection of meeting new geek friends and the dying art of letter-writing. The amazing staff, four creative and geeky ladies of different nerd-doms, match pairs of pen pal seekers with their geeky soulmates. Emily Farquehausen, one of the organization’s founders, was…