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The Impact of Social Workers in Advocating for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Social workers have always been on the frontlines advocating for vulnerable populations. Through their work, they see firsthand how social injustice, poverty and discrimination impact lives. They are the bastions of change and proponents of equal rights, who are committed to promoting social change and fighting for a more just and equitable society. With their advancement in mind, they stand against injustice to protect and defend the disenfranchised.

In recent years, there has been a renewed focus on diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the social work profession. This is in response to the long history of racism, sexism and other forms of discrimination. Belonging to one of the most diverse professions, social workers are uniquely positioned to advocate for these values in organizations, communities and all aspects of their work. They have the skills and knowledge to promote equity and challenge systems of oppression.

As a result of increased racial tensions, many social workers and organizations have been galvanized to support legislation that addresses racial inequity. A Pew Research poll of 2021 established that 80% of Americans said there is discrimination against black people, 70% said the same about Asian people, and 76% said the same about Hispanic people. To help individuals experiencing racism, social workers across the country are increasingly raising awareness to promote racial equity.

The social work profession has a long history of addressing the needs of vulnerable populations internationally. For those interested in working as an international social worker, an online MSW degree program from the College of Social Work will give diverse training in crisis intervention and social justice to help students learn to work on a macro level to address the systems-level changes that are needed to prevent future disasters. The program will also equip students with a unique skill set and a strong understanding of different cultures to help them work in cross-cultural settings, including addressing critical issues such as children with dyslexia

Diversity, equity and inclusion in the context of social work

Diversity, equity and inclusion(DEI) can be defined as a commitment to understanding, respecting and valuing the differences between people. It applies to everything that makes each individual unique, such as their race or sexual orientation. 

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are viewed as important values in the social work profession and its commitment to social justice. The profession’s Code of Ethics calls on social workers to promote these values in their practice, research and policy work. Through their work in settings such as schools, hospitals and mental health clinics, social workers can help to ensure that everyone has access to the resources and opportunities they need to succeed.

Social workers play a vital role in promoting DEI in a variety of settings, including but not limited to schools, healthcare organizations, nonprofits and government agencies. They do this by working to promote understanding and acceptance of all individuals, no matter their background.

Understanding the ideologies of racism

Racism has been perpetuated through social institutions such as housing, education, transportation and healthcare. This can lead to inequities in access to resources and opportunities that perpetuate cycles of poverty across generations. A commitment to equality and inclusion means being aware of the ideologies underpinning beliefs about race and how they influence actions and decisions on a daily basis. Some of these ideologies include:

Abstract liberalism

This is the belief that everyone deserves equal opportunities, regardless of their background. It could also be understood as an idealistic view of equality, as opposed to a recognition that some groups deserve a higher standard of living than others. According to this ideology, social problems are the result of living in a ‘free’ society and not addressing oppressive beliefs and practices. This ideology is often linked to neoliberalism. In technical fields such as machine building or electrical engineering, abstract liberalism implies that anyone can enter and obtain the same level of education and job satisfaction with hard work.

Cultural racism

Cultural racism is the belief that one group of people is superior to others because of their culture. By promoting the superiority of their culture, this ideology supports and reinforces systems of oppression. In healthcare, for example, cultural racism justifies and supports treatment that may not be helpful to certain populations.


This ideology suggests that the benefits of society are derived from a natural order and that humans should not interfere with these forces. The idea that medical intervention should be based on individual biology and genetics rather than social factors is known as naturalization. This ideology can lead to unnecessary screening or treatment of patients, depending on their background. Identifying ways in which these ideologies influence decisions is key to promoting DEI in practice and research.


This ideology suggests that racism is no longer a problem in society. It holds that social problems are the result of bad decisions or ignorance rather than oppressive practices. For example, minimization could be used to justify a teacher telling a student that they are not smart enough to succeed in school. The term ‘post-racial’ is commonly used to describe this idea, as well as the idea that race is no longer an important factor in social life. The concept of racial equality may be further distorted to imply that if there are any differences between racial groups, they are due to their own choices or cultural practices.

So how do social workers advocate for equity?

Well, the impact of social workers in advocating for equity is vast and far-reaching. By promoting understanding and acceptance, social workers help create a more just, inclusive and equitable world for everyone. At its core, the social work profession is devoted to improving the lives of those vulnerable to discrimination and inequity.

Social workers are uniquely positioned to do this because they draw on a wide range of skills and experiences, including but not limited to compassion, advocacy, knowledge of human behavior and social systems, communication skills and negotiation.

Here are the key ways social workers can embrace diversity and equity:

Develop cultural competence

Cultural competence means understanding the unique social, cultural, language and economic subtleties of families as well as individual people. With the ability to understand and appreciate individual differences, social workers are uniquely positioned to make changes to programs and systems based on people’s unique needs and can better serve diverse populations.

Equity begins with cultural competence, which is the ability to effectively interact with and support people from different backgrounds. This can be a challenge in today’s diverse world, but it is essential to providing effective social services. In several work settings, for example, cultural competence means that staff must understand and respect different beliefs and practices. Social workers must develop skills to improve their ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds.

Culturally competent social workers recognize and understand the unique struggles different minority groups face. They respect and value differences, while also advocating against other forces of inequity such as discrimination and oppression. Whether people of color, people with mental health issues or LGBTQ+ individuals, everyone is affected.

Be an advocate

Social workers play a crucial role in promoting equitable policies and programs. Social workers can do this through their writing and research, as well as by advocating for people experiencing inequity.

There are many ways to become an advocate, including publishing academic articles and books that address social issues. Presenting at conferences is also a great way to promote equity and inclusion at the community level. Other advocates work within government agencies to promote change through policy recommendations or directly implement social programs that support equity and eliminate discrimination.

Defend justice

Social workers are often called on to defend and advocate vulnerable populations. This can include people experiencing poverty or suffering from a mental illness, those living with a disability or physical limitation, or families that have been impacted by climate change or natural disasters. In these situations, social workers are often the advocates who empower people who have been marginalized and disempowered by systems designed to serve the needs of more powerful individuals and organizations.

Honor minority contributions

Social workers understand that the contributions of different minority groups have been rediscovered and recognized for many years, but that their unique and important contributions are still undervalued. Social workers can help bring these contributions to light and honor their community. For example, social workers might advocate for creating a day to honor women who have made significant contributions to society because they do not see their work in the medical or academic realms.

In the same way that social workers uphold equity and diversity, they also honor minority contributions — they aim to foster an appreciation of the contributions of marginalized groups. They also understand that their work can potentially be deeply meaningful to these communities and contribute to their sense of belonging and empowerment. 

Keep learning

Social workers should be lifelong learners. It is important that they actively seek to learn new ways of working with marginalized populations. Social workers are encouraged to continue to study and build their knowledge of minority experiences and perspectives. This helps them to stay current on the issues affecting the populations they serve. It also allows them to see the world from a new perspective and develop fresh and innovative ways of approaching existing challenges.

Challenge racism and bias

Social workers can work to challenge racism in society by promoting understanding, tolerance and compassion through their practice. They also have expert knowledge of oppression and discrimination that they can use to educate others about these issues. This means understanding how racism and other forms of bias impact people’s lives, while also recognizing the role race plays in their own life.

Social workers can also use their knowledge and experiences to challenge racism at the community level. For example, they may choose to take a stand for racial equality by joining rallies or speaking at community meetings. They can also promote racial equity through things like teaching anti-racist training workshops or facilitating conflict resolution workshops.

Take a diverse approach to participation

Diversifying participation means creating opportunities for everyone to participate equally in social work education, practice, research and policy development. This includes prioritizing diversity of all kinds in all levels of education, training and professional practice.

Diversity refers to racial, ethnic, age, gender, sexual orientation as well as socioeconomic status. Just as social workers need to be culturally competent, so does the field. Diverse social work recognizes the differences between people and promotes effective interactions with diverse populations. It encourages social workers to broaden their perspective and think about how they can better serve populations that face particular struggles or inequities.

Build capacity

Developing skills and networking with other social workers are important parts of building capacity for social workers, which includes strengthening their knowledge and experience in the principles of DEI. This is because equality impacts everyone in some way and all people should be able to benefit from social services.

Social workers should not be afraid to ask for help or support from their colleagues, even if it is someone who does not belong to the same minority group. They should seek out people from marginalized communities who may be able to share their experiences and provide insight into how they are treated by others. To develop and grow, social workers need a support network — they can join professional organizations, attend workshops or take classes to learn more about DEI. 

Advocate for equal treatment in the workplace and beyond

Social workers are uniquely positioned to advocate for social equality on a professional level as well as in their personal lives. They are often called on to speak up for others and work with others toward a shared goal of equality. This could include advocating for their own employees, educating decision makers about the importance of DEI, or organizing a professional social justice network within the organization.

Social workers have the knowledge and experience necessary to help build connections between groups that are often marginalized in society. They can also be role models and show them how to receive support from other people when they need it. By advocating for equal treatment, social workers can help create a world free of inequality. 

Important core social work values that promote equity

There are a number of important core social work values that promote equity. As a social worker, it is important to be aware of the values that guide your work. These values should promote equity, social justice and human rights. They should also be inclusive of diverse populations and respectful of cultural differences. Let’s explore these values in more detail.

Social justice

Social justice is the ideal that all people should be treated equally and have access to the same resources and opportunities. Social workers believe that no one should endure unjust suffering or live in poverty. They work to eliminate inequalities and give everyone an equal chance at a positive life.


Social workers have a deep commitment to honesty, fairness and transparency. They align their actions with their principles and beliefs, practice in an ethical way and maintain the utmost trustworthiness. Social workers always act with the welfare of others in mind. They are honest and trustworthy with both the people they serve as well as their colleagues.


Social workers make the welfare of their clients their first priority. They value diverse perspectives and empower people from all walks of life to seek help when they need it. Social workers strive to maintain an open mind, remain positive and prove that everyone can work together for a common goal.

Human relationships

A person’s connection to others is important, and social workers are committed to creating positive human relationships. They value deep connections with other people and inspire others to find their purpose, strength and passion. They maintain close relationships with their clients through various counseling techniques while emphasizing the importance of the wellbeing of all people, no matter who they are or where they come from.


Social workers are committed to a service ethic, which is defined as an obligation to help others solve their problems. They believe in taking action on behalf of others and are dedicated to improving the lives of their clients. They practice professional excellence by making connections, treating people with dignity, and maximizing client strengths.

Building a better world

As a helping profession, social work is integral to fighting racism and creating a better world. It is about promoting social justice for everyone, particularly marginalized groups that may experience unfair treatment in society. Social workers believe that everyone has the potential to lead a fulfilling life and achieve their full potential. As such, they strive to treat everyone with respect and empower them to improve their lives and those of others. Those who are committed to promoting racial equity, whether they are business leaders, government officials or the general public, ought to collaborate with social workers to stamp out racism and support individuals of all ethnicities and races.

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