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Heists And Other Updates Coming to GTA Online

Grand Theft Auto online will be adding updates this Spring, including heists. Some of these updates include:

Capture Creator, which allows players to create their own capture jobs that they can add to the over 3.5million Races and Deathmatches currently on Social Club. “Players can place pick-ups, define weaponry, set location, and tweak tons of other variables to make their own unique Capture Job for others to take on…We will also be reviewing homemade Capture creations to stamp standout experiences as Rockstar Verified.”

The High Life update, which gives players access to new apartments, rifles, wardrobe, and vehicles. This will allow players to “expand their foothold in Los Santos”

Multi-Property Owndership, this will allow players to simultaneously own two properties will garages.

Rockstar will be announcing additional updates to both GTA online and GTA 5. Their is no set release date for any of these updates yet.