Featured Kickstarter: Con*Quest Adventure Journal- Get Your Con On!

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Here at Geek Insider, we LOVE a good Kickstarter. There’s nothing like the feeling that comes with discovering a completely unique product, supporting its production, and ultimately being one of the first people on the planet to own one. Recently, I reviewed the Con*Quest Adventure Journal (a beautifully hand-crafted journal that serves as a place to store all of the memories that are collected at Comic Cons and other various conventions) and was taken aback at how such a fantastic idea has not been done before. Now, the folks at Con*Quest are launching a Kickstarter campaign to fund their next round of production and we are happy to bring you all of the details surrounding this geeky necessity.

I spoke with Shelley Harper, the creator and founder of Con*Quest Journals (in conjunction with her business partner), and asked her a few questions about the campaign and their ambitions regarding their product:

Where did the idea for Con*Quest Adventure Journals come from?

“I’ve been going to conventions as a fangirl for 5 years now, and I would always leave conventions with these bags of memorabilia that would just stay in the bag. So, eventually, we were walking around various shows and noticed how busy the photo sleeve and journal tables were and we thought “Hey, I wonder why no one has ever made a journal for conventions. Like a smash book for Comic Cons.” So, from there we decided to make our own journal and everything has moved on from that initial idea.”

With your first round of production complete, how would you measure the success of the Con*Quest  Adventure Journals?

“We launched our first test version of the journal at Creation Entertainment’s Salute to Supernatural show in March and sold out. From there, we did a little bit of a larger production run and started selling them at bigger comic cons in April. At each show, we have learned how we have to market and explain the journals to our customers and since, our sales have continued to grow with each show. From here, we have really been pushing online sales with an instructional how-to video that help online users to understand the ins-and-outs of our product.”

With all the success you’ve seen, why begin a Kickstarter now?

“Starting a business is so extremely capital intensive, as is printing and production. Since we are almost sold out of our first production run, we feel it is time for us to take our business to the next level, begin another production run to support online sales and push through the remaining 2014 conventions and shows. The funding from our Kickstarter campaign will help us do that and the exposure that the campaign brings is extremely important as well.”

What’s in it for your backers?

“We have quite a few reward levels, but the most notable would be the SDCC reward that, if we meet our goal by July 16th, promises to ship San Diego Comic Con attendees  journals that week, so they will have their reward in time for SDCC.”

If you guys meet your Kickstarter goal, what shows and conventions can we expect to see you attending during the remainder of 2014?

“We will attending Gen Con in Indianapolis, Wizard World in Chicago, NYCC in NYC, and Creation Entertainment Salute to Supernatural in Chicago. There may me more added to that at a later date, but right now that is our planned schedule.”

Is there anything else you would like to say to those thinking about backing your project?

“Just that we think our product is something really special and that we hope everyone loves it just as much as we do. We can’t wait to really get the journals out there to all of the con goers who we know would really benefit from our product and find it useful as well as fun and memorable.”

If you would like to have a Con*Quest Adventure Journal of your very own to journal your next convention, head on over to the Con*Quest Kickstarter Campaign page and take advantage of the reduced journal pricing in their rewards section!