Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible Raid Preview

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Heroes of Azeroth have finally entered Aberrus, the Shadowed Crucible. This hideous laboratory of the long-dead Neltharion was the first place to witness his madness. The leader of Black Dragonflight conducted ghoulish experiments using the dark power he found here. 

Some experiments’ horrific results became the bosses of the raid. Who are they and how are they connected to the expansion’s lore? What is the raid schedule this time? What is the most convenient way to reach its entrance? This text will answer these and other questions. By the way, be sure to check what Aberrus boost we suggest after reading it. You never know when you might need help.

Raid Location and Schedule

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The entrance to Aberrus can be found at the upper edge of the Zaralek Cavern. The game itself guides you to this new location by giving a campaign quest. Zaralek Cavern has three entrances marked as a cave on the other Dragon Isles’ maps. They are in the Ohn’ahran Plains, Azure Span and on the border between Plains and Thaldraszus. Using the last one is the most convenient way to reach the raid. So, no need to tie your Hearthstone to another Inn: the Valdrakken remains a perfect home in 10.1. Just ride from it to the Aberrus on the back of your dragon or by using a flight point to the Obsidian Rest. 

The raid’s unlock schedule slightly differs from the Vault of the Incarnates one. Normal, Heroic and Mythic difficulties of the instance opened on the same day — May 8. However, with the opening of Aberrus, the first three bosses also became available in LFR. Other LFR wings open on May 22, June 5 and June 19.


Kazzara, the Hellforged

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The very first boss has left WoW’s lorewalkers a bit astonished. Its resemblance to the Deathwing appearance was striking and raised questions. For instance: why are there elementium plates on Kazzara? Neltharion himself got those many years after his tests in Aberrus. 

It turned out that Neltharion has already started experimenting with elementium in the Shadowed Crucible. Besides, he experimented with the ominous and mysterious Shadowflame power. Kazzara is a poor victim of both these interests of Neltharion. At the same time, the dragon became a prototype of what future Deathwing will do to himself. 

The Amalgamation Chamber

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As almost everything in the Shadowed Crucible, the Amalgamation Chamber fight pertains to the Shadowflame. The purpose of this chamber comes from its name. It saw many attempts to make a mighty Shadowflame elemental by mixing different ones. 

Krozgoth — Essence of Shadow — and Moltannia — Eternal Blaze — are the last and the most powerful elementals to serve that purpose. During the fight, the players will witness that goal reached. Krozgoth and Moltannia will merge into Molgoth, the Living Shadowflame.

The Forgotten Experiments

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The Dracthyr race is one of Neltharion’s most successful experiments. However, the Aberrus contains living results of the earlier attempts to create the Dracthyr. Of course, if that state can be called “living”. 

The most unstable, Thadrion, looks more like creatures from the Icecrown Citadel’s Plagueworks than a dragonkin. Neldris’ appearance could remind a player of the Draconid race. Finally, Rionthus looks the most Dracthyr-like, but infused with dark energies. Regardless of their look, all three Neltharion’s failures must be put to rest.

Assault of the Zaqali

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The djaradin race got a bigger role and lore involvement in patch 10.1. Kagni, the warlord of the Zaqali tribe, leads the djaradin assault of the Aberrus. Their aim is to rescue one of their legendary Elders — Rashok. Your aim is to stop them. 

Rashok the Elder

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No surprise djaradins are so willing to free Rashok. This giant is truly threatening. You may’ve already come across two other Zaqali Elders: Zaralek Cavern’s World Bosses Vakan and Gholna. This Elder may be twice as powerful as both of them combined.

Zskarn, the Vigilant Steward

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Zskarn served the Black Dragonflight’s former leader thousands of years ago. Back then, he looked after the sinister outcomes of his experiments. Deathwing’s death became just one more reason to continue his work. The work you came to put an end to.


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Magmorax’s lore is as simple as its tactics. It’s just a mighty beast standing in your way to the truly significant bosses. Maybe he was wandering this place long before Neltharion’s experiments. Maybe the black dragon worked on him too. After all, no one will care about it when you deal with Magmorax.

Echo of Neltharion

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Neltharion was truly insane during his tests in Aberrus. His insanity was exacerbated by the gloomy aura of this place — especially in its depths. The power of his dark obsession somehow led to the emergence of his Echo. This shard of the former Neltharion remained in the deepest laboratory of the Shadowed Crucible even after his death. The obsession with diabolical experiments and plans drives it to finish the works of the dragon’s lifetime. 

Scalecommander Sarkareth

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The rebellious Dracthyr Scalecommander Sarkareth didn’t want to be an Aspects’ pawn. He searched for the Neltharion legacy to find answers to his questions and the power to resist any lords and masters. Ironically, it led him to accept the Void — a power that doesn’t tolerate disobedience.

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