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Unplug With These 14 Tips for Starting an Organic Garden

Organic gardening is a great way to get back to nature and grow delicious, nutritious food. It requires careful planning and effort but the rewards are worth it. Here are 14 tips for starting an organic garden that will help you get your garden off the ground and make sure it’s successful:

1. Start small – Before you dive into a large garden, it’s best to start small. This will help you get the hang of things without feeling overwhelmed and let you focus on learning how to grow crops organically.

2. Research local growing conditions – The type of plants that do well in your area depends on factors like climate, soil type and daylight hours. Make sure you research the best varieties to grow in your region before planting.

3. Choose the right site – Look for a spot that gets at least 6-8 hours of sunlight each day and has well-draining soil. If you have heavy clay soil, consider adding some compost or organic matter like peat moss or leaf mold to lighten it up.

4. Choose seeds wisely – Look for organic, non-GMO heirloom varieties that are known to do well in your area. Don’t forget to check the comic book value of the seeds you buy, as some can be quite expensive and not worth the investment if they don’t perform well.

5. Choose the right companion plants – Growing different crops together can be beneficial for all of them. This is known as intercropping, and it can help repel pests, improve soil health and even boost yields. Be sure to research which crops should be planted together before starting your garden.

6. Choose healthy plants – If you’re starting your garden with transplants, look for ones that are disease-free and have dark green leaves. Avoid those that are wilted, yellow or show signs of insect damage.

7. Protect your plants – Cover young seedlings with a row cover to protect them from pests and harsh weather. As your plants grow, use a cloche or glass jar to protect them from cold temperatures and frost damage.

8. Make sure you have the right tools – Invest in good-quality tools that will last. Basic gardening supplies like a hoe, rake, shovel and trowel are essential for organic gardening success.

9. Mulch your plants – Applying a layer of mulch to the soil helps conserve moisture, reduce weeds and protect against temperature extremes. Try using organic materials like straw or grass clippings for best results.

10. Water wisely – Make sure you water your plants deeply and regularly, but avoid over-watering or saturating them. This will encourage strong, healthy root growth and reduce the risk of disease.

11. Monitor soil moisture – Invest in a moisture meter or use your finger to check the soil regularly and adjust your watering schedule accordingly.

12. Fertilize sparingly – Use organic fertilizers like compost, manure or fish emulsion to provide essential nutrients for your plants. Use caution when applying and be sure to follow the instructions on the label.

13. Control weeds – Weeds can compete with your plants for nutrients, water and sunlight. Use a hoe or hand-pull them to keep on top of things before they get out of control.

14. Rotate crops – Planting the same crop in the same spot year after year can deplete the soil of essential nutrients and encourage disease. Try to rotate crops on an annual basis for healthier plants.

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