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How Does Mining Work on Android Smartphone?

In crypto mining, you use high-powered software and hardware to work out complex trading equations. What you get from these equations are tokens and coins that you can trade for traditional currencies.  

The mining process is expensive and complex and requires a high-performance device that supports the programming involved. Although miners can’t trade popular crypto like Ethereum and Bitcoin, they make significant earnings through Android’s phone’s high processing power. 

Crypto Mining on Mobile

In the past, smartphones didn’t have enough processing power to accomplish what is possible in PCs. For that reason, crypto mining has relied chiefly on heavily equipped PCs with powerful processors, RAMS, and fans that deal with the significant amount of heat. Since smartphones lack this hardware, it would be a hassle to mine cryptocurrencies successfully on mobile. However, the Android smartphone has introduced a unique applications that use little power when mining crypto. 

Crypto Mining Applications on Android

These apps are designed to provide crypto miners with cheaper and more accessible methods. Unlike crypto-mining in PCs, you will have to apply some strategy when working with smartphone apps to make a significant profit. Similarly, the apps allow you to join pools, combine the processing power in your devices, and share any rewards from the group mining.  

The two most common apps that you can use on your Android smartphone to mine crypto are Bitcoin miner and MinerGate. You can download these apps from the Google Play Store and register your account on their website. Note that you will have to unregister the account on the website whenever you decide to change your group or exit. 

Below is a guide on the mining process on your Android using the MinerGate app.

Install MinerGate

You will need to download the crypto mining app from the Google Play Store to your Android smartphone. Specifically, the MinerGate app requires only 30MB of space in your Android phone and version 4.1 or later. You can also find the MinerGate app from third-party websites, although these are high-risk areas as they may infect your device with dangerous malware. 

Create an Account

After successfully installing the MinerGate app, launch it to create an account. Once the app opens, you will see options labeled “Start Mining” and “Sign Up.” Sign up to proceed with the mining process. Be sure to use a strong password when creating your account and keep all the login information confidential to avoid account leaks. The account will now direct you to the app page, where you need to create a 4-digit PIN for future withdrawals and transfers. 

Crypto Mining

After filling in all the requirements, you can start mining from the main screen. The amount you make on MinerGate will depend on the processing power of your Android phone. So, the more powerful the processor, the faster the crypto equation process. Luckily, the app allows you to decide the amount of processing power to dedicate to the app. Besides, there’s an array of cryptocurrencies to choose from in the drop-down menu on the top. 

Nothing much is needed from you during the mining process except to monitor the mining polls and profitability. You can withdraw your earnings by tapping the dashboard tab, but you will need a minimum amount of balance and wallet software to make your withdrawals. 

Cryptocurrencies are rapidly gaining popularity, and miners use every means to make profits. For that reason, Android has incorporated mining apps like Bitcoin Miner and MinerGate to help miners access the mining platforms. You can download one of these apps, create an account, and start making profits mining crypto through this guide. 

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