8 Things To Remember When Installing Smart Home Technology

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Smart home automation is an excellent way to live at home easily. While the improvements may seem minor initially, you will eventually discover that you don’t need to do much yourself anymore. Your home takes care of you more than you ever thought possible. 

However, smart home setups are not always so straightforward. There are benefits, but there are also a few things you need to remember, so consider these factors–good and bad–before you embrace smart home automation. 

Anyone Can Do It

The good news about smart home setups is that anyone can do it. All you need is a device and an internet connection to ensure you can listen to your favorite songs or never miss an appointment again. 

Even those who consider themselves tech-illiterate can set up a basic smart home with few issues, which could make them more comfortable adding to their ecosystem as time goes on. Depending on your needs, consider what approach will make your smart home more efficient and research the best devices and products for your needs.  

Choose A Suitable Hub 

You must select a suitable hub that ensures your smart home works without issues. There are several smart home hubs on the market used for connecting devices around the house, including products by Google, Samsung, Amazon, and Apple. These options are the most popular and arguably the most feature-filled, so they are a great place to start, as they are available at various levels of affordability. 

However, you may not have the budget for these or don’t want to spend too much on something you’ll only use sparingly. Don’t worry, because you can find budget options such as products from Aeotec or Zigbee.

Don’t Start Buying New Things Immediately 

Just because you’ve begun to set up your smart home hub doesn’t mean you need to replace everything around the house. Not only can this quickly become unaffordable, but it’s also not always necessary. Fundamentally, a hub is essential, and while you can purchase additional products or devices, there is plenty you can do with a singular hub, such as listening to music or setting reminders. 

As for temperature control or light switches, you can purchase accessories that turn your ‘dumb’ products into ones that are smart home compatible. Smart switches and light bulbs make fantastic (and more affordable) alternatives to investing in specialized smart technology that may not match your decor. 

Choose What You Want to be Automated 

You don’t need to automate the entire home, either. For most consumers starting their smart home journey, they place the hub somewhere communal where everyone can use it and it is easy to access. 

This approach is great when you come home and want to put on some music to unwind after work. But you can add devices in other rooms, specifically the bedroom, kitchen, and living room since these are areas you’ll use more than anything else. If you prefer to have a tech-free bedroom, consider the garage or even the backyard to operate the door or light up the area when you want to enjoy a chilled evening outside. 

Make Sure You Protect Your Network

There are, however, several potential risks your home could encounter when setting up smart home automation. While you might not think you are at risk of breaches or data hacks, there is always the possibility that someone could gain access to your network and even take control of the devices in your home. 

Malicious parties can use the information stored here to learn more about you, including your name, address, and habits. If you have any credit cards attached to your accounts, you could experience identity theft that can be hugely damaging to your credit rating, while also being a frustrating situation for everyone.

Set Up Parental Controls 

If4 you have kids, you need to protect them, too. Smart home tech can make it easier for your children to search for various things online, so setting up parental controls that block inappropriate websites will save you a lot of hassle. 

Depending on which smart home hub you use, you may be able to set it up to only work with your voice and your partner’s voice. This approach should prevent your kids from accessing things they shouldn’t while also ensuring they do not accidentally order something expensive on your credit card.

Keep Your Credentials Secure 

Internet security and safety have come a long way since the days when you were told to never input your banking details on any website, no matter how legit it seemed. Nowadays, people happily type out their card numbers and even save it to their account. 

There is an element of trust with secure payment portals now, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still be a victim. Researching and using a VPN can protect your identity online by going through various channels to keep your IP and other information safe, and this can make your home more secure as it will make it difficult for individuals to target you and steal information or spy on your habits. 

Consider Possible Dangers 

While smart homes can be an effective tool for the home, there are still several dangers you must consider before filling your home with electronic devices. The EMF Protection Pros have plenty of information regarding the risks of owning too many devices and how the electromagnetic field can harm your health.

Likewise, too many devices plugged into one place could cause a surge that damages your electronics and even cause a fire. When plugging devices into sockets and extension cables, use a surge protector and do not plug in too much, as this could easily overload the system and blow a fuse.


A smarter home is a happier home, at least most of the time. You still need to consider how safe and secure your smart home is, especially if you don’t have a robust cybersecurity system. Diligence and research will help your smart home do everything you need it to achieve without putting you or your family at risk of various hazards. 

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