Canvas Network Has the Perfect Course for Comic Fans

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Canvas network

In my previous not-so-viral post, I talked about Nerdist’s Math Bites and how education is constantly evolving with the rise of online videos and classes. Take a moment to let this news sink in. It is amazing, isn’t it? This is one of the things that proves the internet does indeed bring us together. Even if you prefer the traditional “face to face” learning method, you have to agree that the virtual learning environment has been a tremendous boost in the education sector.

We have courses ranging from arts to engineering taught by highly respected institutions. A few have even gone the extra mile to offer recherché online classes such as game theory and cosmology. And now, you can even take courses on comic books!

How Did Canvas Network Come About?

The massive open online course (MOOC) site was developed by Instructure, an educational technology company based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Having launched in November 2012, one can say that it is a fairly new educational platform. With the exception of a few courses like Data-Driven Marketing: Leveraging Big Data for Your Business and Customer Segmentation: A Scientific Approach to Marketing, the rest of the courses are available at no cost.

Social Issues Through Comic Books

Now for the fun bit. Taught by Ball State University Doctorate Candidate, Christina Blanch, students will get the opportunity to read and discuss comic books like Scalped, Swamp Thing and Daredevil. Social Issues Through Comic Books is a lengthy course–expect as long as six months. Through reading these comic books, students will delve into topic such as information privacy, the environment, social inequity, government intervention and even addiction. Who knew the impact of comic books could be this big? This course will be conducted in the form of lecture videos, discussion forums and external social networking participation. It may be done virtually but students will get the chance to interact with the instructor.

Christina Blanch previously taught a similar course on Canvas Network titled Gender Through Comic Books MOOC. The course received an overwhelming response with over 7,000 students. Not bad for a fairly new educational site.

No doubt about it, Social Issues Through Comic Books is going to be an intriguing course. It’s free. I can’t stress this enough. Great material coupled up with a passionate lecturer (she c0-owns Alter Ego Comics and is one of the creators of the comics on Thrillbent!)?! You should head right over to Canvas Network when you finish up on Geek Insider.

What Other Types of Courses Can We Expect From Canvas Network?

With 36 available courses, there is something for every taste. Here are some courses I think you guys would be interested in:
Mega Events: Inside the Winter Olympics
Fairy Tales: Origins and Evolution of Princess Stories