Software Testing 101: Outsourcing vs. Testing In-House

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It is essential to test every piece of software before its release to the market. This testing ensures that it meets the needs that it’s designed to solve and doesn’t cause harm to the end consumer.  Indeed, in a world that relies on software, software testing will continue to be a crucial part of the process.

Software testing can be an uphill task from a business point of view, mainly if it isn’t approached correctly. However, the task needs to be handled with experienced stakeholders to ensure that it meets both the functional and regression elements that it is meant to solve when used by the end consumer. 

The manufacturing, healthcare, aerospace, banking and finance, automotive, telecom, and hi-tech industries depend on the right software testing processes to function efficiently.

Experienced software developers know that QA testing isn’t a one-step item but a process. In the broader sense, it will involve a collection of audits and evaluations that seek to determine whether the application under consideration is working as it should and if it will remain functional in real-world use scenarios.

Once your different divisions transition from the initial creation phase to the testing phase, you’ll need to understand the difference between the pros and cons of in-house software testing vs. outsourcing

Program testers will vet how effective the software development process went through these development stages:

  • Analysis
  •  Design
  •  Development
  •  Identifying any errors and document bugs
  • Implementation
  • Maintenance

Virtually, software testing ensures that all the gears of an application have a smooth churn and work efficiently like a lubricated machine. 

Software testers will always proceed with the aim of seeking answers to these questions:

  • Whether the software is working as a whole
  • If all features are functioning as expected
  • The ability to withstand heavy workload demands
  • Any security vulnerabilities putting the end-user at risk
  •  Whether the software is reasonably easy to use


How To Approach Software Testing

You must be aware that software testing only aims at making declarations of the quality used to develop the application at hand. The quality assurance tests conducted on any software should look at its ability to meet the targeted clients’ needs. Such an aim can only be met by verifying the software’s user experiences, functionality, reliability, scalability, and functionality. 

The most significant hurdle in software development is in the testing stage. Here, the developer has to take the bold move to choose between outsourcing or testing the software in-house. Here are the tips that’ll help you make a wise decision each time you want to do a software test.

In-house Testing

Conducting an in-house testing approach could be the best for you if you’re juggling a dozen deadlines. Nonetheless, it’ll be an uphill task to find an experienced software expert who will agree to work within your budget, mainly if you’re operating with limited time and resources. 

Here’s why you need to opt for in-house testing:

  • Face-to-face interactions: Real-time communique promotes effectiveness and minimizes misunderstandings.
  • Cultural fitness: In-house testing works when you have a team of software developers that understand the need to tailor the organization’s culture to the end-product.
  • The ability to initiate quick changes

However, in-house software testing can face a range of disadvantages, some of which include:

  • High costs: Taxes, rents, infrastructure, recurrent expenses, and employee benefits could drain an organization that opts for in-house testing.
  • Talent mismatch: The organization may lack the talent needed to test the software and work on the development process’s different phases.


Outsourcing involves contracting third party entities to initiate the software testing process. Here’s what you’ll gain by outsourcing a software tester:

  • Save time: External software developers and testers are most likely to work with tight schedules, robust operations, and seamless workflows.
  • Reduce project risk: Working with an experienced external developer fosters early detection of risks and pitfalls as it is part of their duty to initiate feasibility studies and idea validation.
  • Easy access skills and expertise: Outsourcing presents you with the golden opportunity to work with the global pool of software development talent you may not get in-house.
  • Protection: Outsourced entities lack the rights to share the details of work they’ve done. As such, you’ll get a unique testing script even when you know nothing about coding.
  • Access to modern methods: Specialized quality assurance testers are ever-evolving and ensure that they operate with updated tools to outdo their rivals.

The Verdict on Software Testing

You shouldn’t waste more time debating between outsourcing and in-house testing for your software. As a business, you’ll require a service that’ll present high-quality output efficiently. 

Outsource your testing to the millions of third-party testing companies across the globe. This will allow you to meet the other deadlines critical to the business’s bloodline while the tests get done in the shortest timeframe.

Still, it is up to you to choose the option that works for your company at the end of the day. Remember to weigh the pro’s and cons and choose wisely.

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