Trump is interested in mining the moon

Trump is Interested in Mining the Moon

Is Mining the Moon Viable? We are living in unprecedented times where more are interested in realizing space ambitions. Tech billionaires ranging from Elon Musk to Jeff Bezos and others are building their private space organizations. We’ve seen the gradual build up of companies like SpaceX and Virgin Galactic. There’s those space companies like Maxar…

New horizons space probe gives first look at pluto

New Horizons Space Probe Gives First Look At Pluto

Pluto has long been a big topic of discussion among the space-studying scientific community. Many people will remember being taught the memorization trick for the nine planets in our solar system: “My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas,” and many were shocked when Pluto was downgraded from planetary status, dropping the “Pizza” from the…