Amazon’s new fire phone: will it crash and burn?

Amazon’s New Fire Phone: Will it Crash and Burn?

Before I talk about Amazon’s recent venture into the mobile phone industry, I’d like to be the first to announce Geek Insider’s new product, the Geek Phone.  It looks like an iPhone and works like an iPhone because no one can come up with a better design than rectangle.  It will have weird Geek Insider…

Ps4 announcement reaction

PS4 Announcement Reaction

So, where is it? The lights go out. Orchestral music plays. The Playsation’s iconic symbols fly up on screen. The music crescendos, lights flash, and  glimpses of games – past and present leap before our eyes. And here comes the PS4 in all its glory, held aloft triumphantly, like Simba on Pride Rock …. except…