5 tv shows that should have ended a long time ago

5 TV Shows That Should Have Ended A Long Time Ago

You sit and smile awkwardly as your guest animatedly recounts his pet dog’s dandruff issues. You don’t really want to hear about how he solved the unfortunate skin flakeage by adding dietary supplements to the dog’s nutrient deficient kibble, and you certainly don’t like the nagging suspicion that he doesn’t actually have a dog. In…

Proud to be a gleek

Proud to be a Gleek

Over the summer something happened that I really didn’t think would ever happen: I became a Gleek. Yes, I started watching Glee (thank you Netflix) with my wife and we’re almost through Season 4 (Seasons 1-3 are long watched) so we can be ready for Season 5 to start next month. And the thing is,…