Games on tv: the dreaded video game movie

Games on TV: The Dreaded Video Game Movie

In this series so far, we’ve covered some pretty special stuff. Videogames have often had a strained and unsuccessful relationship with their television contemporaries. Whether it’s an attempt to depict a popular game, warts and all (or with all kinds of stigmatisation and baggage attached), or if it’s just a game that they invented to…

Games on tv: awkward 90s internet spectacular

Games on TV: Awkward 90s Internet Spectacular

The great thing about the 90s is that computers were still magic. They were a one-stop shop of power, a wand of wisdom which, when waved, could shut down governments and destroy society. Teenagers had the power over the adults, perhaps a typical Generation X fantasy, combined with a newfound fascination with technology and pure,…

Games on tv: things that exist, things that don’t, and things you wish did

Games on TV: Things that exist, things that don’t, and things you wish did

In the last edition of this, we saw how Dungeons and Dragons was co-opted (sometimes incredibly forcefully) into the machinations of light entertainment that is the sitcom. But while D&D remains a narrative excuse to get a group of characters with disparate personalities (with hilarious consequences!) into a room together to do some improv, other…