The buzz surrounding the beeraider keyboard

The Buzz Surrounding the BeeRaider Keyboard

Do you have trouble typing on the standard QWERTY keyboard? Do you wish it was easier to learn to use without looking back and forth between the screen and keys? Well, the creators of the BeeRaider keyboard believe that their innovative new keyboard may be the answer to your wishes. Are We Saying Goodbye to…

10 worst computer viruses in history

10 Worst Computer Viruses in History

I knew there was a problem when my computer had been frozen on the startup screen for five minutes. Five hours, a consultation with a friend who does managed IT services in Atlanta, and ten reboots later, I knew it was a life-threatening one. For my computer, sure, but most of all for me. What…

The solo g3: the bomb shelter of hard drives

The Solo G3: The Bomb Shelter of Hard Drives

As we dive deeper into the digital age, more things that we consider to be crucial, or even sentimental, to our lives are stored somewhere electronically: photos, music, art, personal information, documents and contact information. Depending how much of this you have on one device, your life can turn into turmoil if that device crashes…