Game of thrones: war, dragons, sex, and feminism?

Game of Thrones: War, Dragons, Sex, and Feminism?

Game of Thrones has been widely popular series on HBO since the first season aired in 2011. Recently, there has been debate about the feminism (or lack thereof) present on the show. Diverse female characters offer an opportunity to look at the growth and change in these women’s lives. Comparing the fourth season to the…

Undistressed damsel: cersei lannister

Undistressed Damsel: Cersei Lannister

With all the distressed damsels out there, it seemed only fair to focus on the women in Geekdom that are much more concerned with saving themselves, that with scoring Prince Charming. This week- Cersei Lannister. Creator: George R.R. Martin, or as we call him in our house “The dude that just needs to finish the…